Nohemi Gonzalez was the only American killed during the terrorist attack in Paris, on November 13, 2015. 

Nohemi, a student at California State University Long Beach, was remembered during a candlelight vigil and memorial service on the school campus,  just two days later on November 15. Hundreds of students, Nohemi's mother and step father, boyfriend and classmates attended to show their support and say goodbye. 

Nohemi's mother is seen here being comforted by her husband, Nohemi's step-father. All guests were asked to raise their candles to the heavens as the CSULB Choir sung a hymn. 

Nohemi's mother is seen here being comforted by her husband, Nohemi's step-father. All guests were asked to raise their candles to the heavens as the CSULB Choir sung a hymn. 
